Thu, 25 February 2016
Join us for a Lightning and Snow , and Vanille and Sazh double feature! The grind will be heavy, and the grind will be relentless!!
Submission by Sailorgaluna. Ride written by EdeatheDemonFox Private Night written by Freaky Beast |
Wed, 17 February 2016
This week, Jacob and Kaleb entertain the idea of finally doing a Mario fan fiction. Join us for all the cousin kissin, virginity taking joy!
By Vincent_M_Pierce |
Wed, 10 February 2016
Join Jake, Kaleb, and a mystery guest for a riveting Final Fantasy XIII fan fiction! This one is brought to us by Valentine'sNinja at Enjoy the fap! |
Wed, 3 February 2016
This week, Kaleb and Jake take on a Jak and Daxter Fan fiction. This is in light of Jacob's recent platinum trifecta of the series. Enjoy all the rodent sex you can handle! Kudo's to Robin for bringing us this fic! |